Vitamin B12 Rich Dry Fruits

Crunchy or soft, dried fruits are excellent snacks to nibble on to treat yourself. Dried apricots, dates, almonds, cashews, and pistachios can be enjoyed on all occasions, as an aperitif or as a snack before a sports session. Very high in calories, dried fruits and nuts are nonetheless healthy! Thanks to their nutritional properties, they provide many health benefits. So, see below how to add a daily diet with Vitamin B12 dry fruits.

What are the best-dried fruits for health?

All dried fruits have many benefits for the body, which is why they can be considered superfoods. Researchers have even established that regular consumption of nuts is associated with a reduction in mortality.

In the list of the best-dried fruits for health, we find:

  • Almonds (very rich in vegetable proteins and vitamin E);
  • Walnuts and hazelnuts (rich in unsaturated fatty acids);
  • Brazil nuts (extremely rich in selenium);
  • Raisins (very rich in minerals and vitamin B);
  • Dried apricots (the dried fruit richest in potassium);
  • Cranberries (extremely rich in antioxidants).

How to incorporate dried fruits into your diet?

Whether for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as a snack, dried fruits offer culinary versatility that can be explored in a multitude of ways.


Start your day with a boost of energy from dried fruit: Add a tablespoon of raisins or dried cranberries to your bowl of cereal or granola for a natural sweetener. You can also opt for oatmeal topped with dried apricot pieces and walnuts for a filling and nutritious breakfast. You can also try chia pudding by mixing chia seeds with plant-based milk and adding dried fruit and walnut pieces. This will give you a boost of omega-3s and fiber.


Dried fruits can also be incorporated into savory dishes to add unexpected flavors. Try including them in meat dishes, such as Chicken with Dried Apricots and Almonds, if you like something sweet and savory. Dried pomegranate seeds add a tangy, sweet touch to Mediterranean dishes (like hummus). You can also try adding raisins or prunes to rice pilaf to enhance the flavors.


Dried fruit is the perfect snack to satisfy those hunger pangs between meals. A handful of nuts is a protein, fiber, and antioxidant-rich snack. Opt for a balanced combination, such as almonds with dried cherries, for a delicious and filling combination. Dried fruit is also convenient to take on the go, providing a quick and natural source of energy to keep you going throughout the day.


Dried fruits add a natural sweetness to desserts. Incorporating raisins or dried cranberries into muffins or cookies offers a healthier alternative to refined sugar. Dates, rich in fiber, can be used as a natural sweetener in recipes for brownies or energy bars, like raw bars. Crushed walnuts and almonds add a crunchy texture to cakes and crumbles. Dare to try recipes with your favorite dried fruits and nuts!

By James

Hi, I am James and I am a Nutrition Expert. I am currently working with and gaining more experience about nutritional value through this. I have experienced an evolution of nutritional value and shared it all through hoping it can serve people. Proper nutrition does not only gives a healthy life also helps you to live a long and happy life. It is my motto to give you proper nutrition tips and teach you nutritional values to live a happy life.