Millions of in India are living with diabetes, including me. Hi, myself Ravi and I am from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. I was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 32. Currently, I work as a team leader in an IT company located in Delhi. I have a wife and two children. Living life with such a disease is not an easy task. You need to follow proper medication with a scheduled diet & constant tests to monitor the sugar levels.

How did I discover 

However, diabetes can be prevented, managed better and even reversed. With this thought, I connected with I saw their advertisement on Facebook. Later I read about the platform and customer reviews on their website. Then I decided to take their program.

How did the program impact blood sugar, HbA1C and weight?

Before connecting with, my HbA1C was 9, and now it’s at 6. Moreover, I lost 15 kg of my weight. Earlier I used to be 89 kg, and within three months, I came down to 74 kg. Apart from it, my fasting blood sugar was 140 mg/dl and now it ranges around 100-101 mg/dl. has really changed my lifestyle. I was on heavy medications and have reduced most of my medicines. There was a time when I used to be a bit lazy. And now I enjoy my daily workouts. Surprisingly, I had a choice to choose my own workouts/activities. I was advised to go for a stretching-based activity, and then I took yoga. After doing yoga, I feel so energetic and active in the morning.

Coach and doctors consultation 

Coming to diet, I used to eat a lot despite knowing the fact that I am a diabetic patient. But after getting a coach and doctor consultation from, I have come across a well-balanced diet. I can easily book my doctor consultations on app.

Moreover, my coach Tanya speaks to me daily. She guides me on my daily diet, workout, and glucose level. She changes my diet regularly, so I don’t feel bored. She motivates me to stick to my exercise and diet. He also taught me different yoga moves. Along with diabetes reversal, she helped me develop a healthy lifestyle. I am very thankful to my coach for helping me in reversing my diabetes and transforming me into a new person.

My family and friends’ reaction after my transformation

Seeing a change in my diet and lifestyle, my wife also joined my journey. She is prediabetic, but she often accompanies me on my diet plan. We both now eat at least two fruits a day. My colleagues compliment me on my great transformation. Now my children call me “cool dad”.

It was an incredible six months journey with I can feel the change and an incredible transformation in me. I am pretty confident that the impact of this journey will be throughout my life. I feel happy and proud after completing my journey with