Best Indian Diet Chart For Weight Gain

It is necessary to have a balanced diet. A balanced diet helps to maintain a healthy weight. If you want to increase your weight then you should make a diet chart in which you include all the nutrition then you can easily increase your weight. So, today I am giving the Indian diet chart for weight gain that will help you to increase your weight. So, see the Indian veg diet chart for weight gain below…

Tips To Gain Weight:

Everyone talks about weight loss tips but there is very little discussion about weight gain tips. One of the major reasons for this is that most people are victims of weight gain or obesity. It is a fact that obesity is the biggest problem nowadays but it is also true that many people are troubled by their lean bodies.

Underweight people have a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5, which is estimated to be less than the body mass needed to maintain optimal health.

This person is at risk of osteoporosis, infection, fertility problems, and premature death. Men in particular who are underweight have a higher risk of early death than women.

Gaining weight does not mean that you start eating oily food or junk food. Actually, these things can make you fat but can also cause hundreds of diseases in your body.

If you are worried about your skinny body and want to gain weight in a healthy way, then you are being told about some cheap things that you should consume regularly.

Being thin often makes a person appear fragile and unattractive and to avoid this, people start taking synthetic drugs, which can often cause unprecedented harm.

The best way to transform the body from skinny to a perfect structured slim look follow this article to gain weight fast in a healthy way. See below the weight gain diet chart for male Indian.


Milk has been used for decades as a weight gainer or muscle builder. It provides a good balance of protein, carbs, and fat and is also a good source of calcium.

Vitamins and minerals are also found in them. Studies have found that consuming milk or milk products like whey and curd can increase body weight. You can also drink dry fruits like almonds mixed with milk.

Nuts and Nut Butter:

Nuts and nut butter are the right choices if you want to gain weight. According to one study, just a handful of raw almonds (1/4 cup) has 170 calories, 6 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, and 15 grams of healthy fat.

You should eat two handfuls of nuts daily for breakfast. You can mix and add nut butter to breakfast items.

Potatoes and Starches:

Potatoes and other starchy foods are a better alternative to consuming extra calories. You can eat things like quinoa, oats, corn, cereals, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and beans in your breakfast.

Potatoes and other starchy foods can help you gain weight. These items contain fiber and other nutrients, which can help nourish your gut bacteria.

Dry Fruits:

Dry fruits like dates, raisins, walnuts, and figs are good sources of calories as well as antioxidants. They are also high in sugar, which is considered very good for weight gain.

In addition, dried fruits contain a lot of fiber and retain most of their vitamins and minerals. Try mixing them into your breakfast items.

Increase Calorie Intake:

Gaining weight requires more calories in your diet. To add about half a kilo, one needs to consume about 250 calories per day. Be sure to consume calorie-rich foods like pulses, meat, bread, rice, dry fruits, nuts, vegetables, etc.

Increase The Number Of Meals:

Just add food to your day without thinking about adding weight to your body. Eat at least 6 times a day (3 big and 3 small) for your body to gain good weight and muscles.

Eat Healthy Fats:

Good fat is an essential ingredient for muscle growth, strength, and hormone production. It also helps in increasing the metabolic rate which cuts the bad fat from the body and gains good fat to increase the body weight. So adding good fat is always beneficial for the body.


The healthiest way to gain weight is to put on some lean mass and then just add fat. The best way to achieve this is through regular strength training.

It not only burns calories and helps in weight loss but also helps you put on lean muscle by preventing the body from putting it on as fat. To gain weight it is worth strength training two or three times per week along with protein intake.

Eat Protein:

High protein diets cause many of the extra calories to be converted into muscle but can significantly reduce appetite and hunger which is a setback in weight gain.

The best protein sources are salmon, fish, red meat, eggs, etc. One can take the help of whey protein powder available in the market but it is important to keep in mind the difference between weight gain powder and protein powder.

Eat a Balanced Diet:

A balanced and nutritious diet from each of the major food groups is important for weight loss. Although it is tempting when you see cakes, cookies, steak, and other high-calorie, high-fat foods in front of you, it is in your best interest to avoid such foods.

They can screw up your metabolism and rob your body of too many vitamins and minerals. You can also add some healthy extra calories to your diet with nuts, bananas, protein powder, yogurt, or milk.

Get Enough Sleep:

Getting good sleep is always good for health. A person must take at least 7 hours of sleep. Have 8-9 hours of sleep for maximum benefits. This is the best time when the body is doing nothing but laying down and building muscle.

Drink Protein Smoothies:

Drinking homemade protein smoothies is a healthy and tasty way to gain weight. Store-bought smoothies can be high in sugar and lacking in nutrients.

You can make smoothies with 2 cups of milk or soy milk. For this, you can make chocolate and nut shakes. For this, mix 1 banana, 1 scoop chocolate whey protein, and 1 tbsp peanut or other nut butter and drink.

It is very easy for anyone to gain weight because nowadays every food item contains enough fat, protein, and carbohydrates, which makes the body easily gain calories and increase weight.

But weight gain is completely different from obesity. Therefore, to gain weight, you should eat such foods that get calories but those foods are also beneficial for health.

In this article, we will tell you about some better ways to increase body weight and what to eat to gain weight. Let’s know about the Indian diet chart for weight gain.

Indian Diet Chart For Weight Gain:

The most important nutrient for weight gain is calories because increasing the calories will increase your weight which will keep you healthy too! Today we will prepare a diet chart which will be a combination of calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins for weight gain! So, let’s see the south Indian diet plan for weight gain below…

Early Morning:

After waking up first thing in the morning is to drink a glass of water! And after 30 minutes you take some beverages! If you want to be fat, then you take a glass of fatty milk and you can take a spoonful of sugar in it!

Making cappuccino with a glass of milk will give you 260 grams of calories and you will also get protein which is very good for you! It will be very good for your health if you start with nutrients!


Now after getting up in the morning, after drinking beverages, it is your turn to snack! Breakfast should always be heavy and if you really want to get fat then one thing to keep in mind is that you should not forget to have breakfast any day!

Because breakfast in the morning provides energy for your whole day’s work and keeps you energetic all day! Have a Carbohydrate meal in the morning for breakfast! You can change and eat breakfast every day according to your needs!

  • Butter with multigrain bread and four boiled eggs + Fruit juice (must drink)
  • Oatmeal Porridge with nuts + Fruit juice (must drink)
  • Alu Parathas and Curd + Fruit juice (must drink)
  • Poha + Fruit juice (must drink)

Mid-Morning Snack:

Take creamy milk or whey after 3 hours of breakfast in the morning! One thing to always remember is that after eating anything you have to drink water for 1 hour and 40 minutes before eating anything!


At lunch, you will have a small bowl of rice, two ghee Rotis, yogurt, two pieces of chicken or egg or fish, a bowl of lentils, and Salad(cabbage, radish, tomato, onion, cucumber, etc.).

You have carbohydrates in a balanced diet. , Vitamins, Fats, and Proteins Get Everything! You get the full amount of calories which will help in increasing your weight!

Evening Snack:

You can have chicken soup with butter after 3 – 4 hours of lunch or you can take some good biscuits made of flour with coffee, both are beneficial for you!


If at dinner you have a big bowl of green vegetables, two to three rotis with butter, a bowl of lentils, chicken or eggs, salad, and raita! (Do not consume rice at night) Even at night, you need complete protein, fat, vitamins, and carbohydrates to gain weight!

Bedtime Snack:

Before going to bed you should consume hot fatty milk with dry fruits! Drinking warm milk at night will remove the tiredness of the whole day and you will be able to sleep well, which will help you gain weight because less sleep makes you lose weight! That’s why you should get full sleep and consume hot milk at night!

Tips For Indian Diet Chart For Weight Gain:

Let us know the tips to overcome this problem…

  • Start the day with light exercise and yoga, because it increases appetite.
  • Use milk, butter, and ghee as much as possible in breakfast. Apart from keeping the body healthy, they are helpful in increasing weight.
  • Protein is a good source of energy. For this, it would be good to eat pulses, fish, chicken, mutton, and egg.
  • Soak raisins overnight and eat them in the morning. The difference will be visible in two to three months. Raisins also work to convert fat into healthy calories.
  • To remove thinness, eating walnuts will also be a good option because it contain monounsaturated fat. This is quite beneficial.
  • Banana is considered a complete food. By eating three bananas daily, the difference is soon visible.
  • Increase the quantity of potatoes in your diet. Potato is a treasure trove of carbohydrates. By eating this, weight can be increased soon.
  • For a few days, do not cook food in mustard or refined oil and cook it in coconut oil. Coconut oil is also beneficial in removing the problem of thinness.
  • Dairy products like milk, curd, and cheese contain fatty acids and also a large amount of calories.
  • Get enough sleep. Taking 7-8 hours of sleep helps in gaining weight.
  • Boil dates or dates in milk. Chew thoroughly and drink milk before sleeping at night. Eating continuously for two-three months will be beneficial.


So, here we have learned about the weight gain diet chart for female indian that can we eat to increase our weight believe friends if you eat such meals daily, your weight will increase easily!

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By James

Hi, I am James and I am a Nutrition Expert. I am currently working with and gaining more experience about nutritional value through this. I have experienced an evolution of nutritional value and shared it all through hoping it can serve people. Proper nutrition does not only gives a healthy life also helps you to live a long and happy life. It is my motto to give you proper nutrition tips and teach you nutritional values to live a happy life.