Diabetes is a kind of disease which lowers our body’s capability to respond or to create the insulin hormone. Thus the insulin hormone is wretched due to diabetes. When the blood sugar or blood glucose (the primary source of our body’s energy is glucose) level increases at an abnormal level then the disease occurs. To prevent this disease a proper diet is quite adequate and the Atkins diet for diabetes is one the most trustable one for the purpose.

Types of Diabetes

Types of Diabetes:

There are mainly three types of diabetes. These are type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and Gestational diabetes. Let’s now know in details about these types of diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes

  1. Type 1 Diabetes:

    Type 1 diabetes is a kind of autoimmune condition where the cells are destroyed in the pancreas due to the immune system’s activation. Pancreas helps our body to produce the required amount of insulin. It most often begins in the childhood may be due to genetic predisposition and that is why is also called juvenile-onset diabetes. There is rarely any treatment for such type of diabetes except injecting insulin.Type 2 Diabetes

  2. Type 2 Diabetes:

    Type 2 diabetes mainly caused due to insulin insensitivity which means this type of diabetes occurs if our body fails to utilize the insulin properly or fail to produce sufficient amount of insulin in our body. This process helps our body to produce high-level blood sugar and resultant in diabetes. It is also called adult-onset diabetes just because it most commonly found in adults. This type of diabetes can be cured or controlled or prevented by proper diet planning such as Atkins diet for diabetes.Gestational diabetes

  3. Gestational diabetes:

    Gestational diabetes only occurs during pregnancy and thus this kind is temporary. But this type can affect both the mother and child. So, this temporary type too needs proper care to prevent the risk.

However, injecting insulin can prevent or control these types of diabetes but that certainly not the best way. Atkins diet for diabetes can do the same. Here is Atkins diet plan for diabetes given below

Atkins diet for diabetes is to cut down the carbs from the diet plan or to have a low carb diet plan to regulate blood sugar level in our body. The more carb we consume in our daily life can increase the risk of our body by producing more blood sugar level. Drugs like insulin can control the blood sugar level but when you can control it by changing your diet then why go for poisonous drugs.

What one can be consumed in the Atkins diet for diabetes?

  • Poultry
  • Cheese
  • Meat
  • Eggs
  • Seafood
  • Oils
  • Butter

What one can’t be consumed in the Atkins diet for diabetes?

  • Cookies
  • Bread
  • Candy
  • Potatoes
  • Pasta
  • Chips

Therefore to prevent or to control diabetes nothing can compete for the significant results of Atkins diet for diabetes. Drugs can prevent or control the high blood sugar in our body, but when we can control it by just cutting the carb from our diet plan with the help of Atkins diet then why would anyone go for medicines.

Stay healthy with the help of this Atkins diet plan.

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By Amrita

Hi, I am Amrita a nutritional advisor and a passionate article blogger. I am currently working for diet.ind.in. While working with diet.ind.in I felt that we should love ourselves first and take care of ourselves by maintaining proper nutrition. Giving people nutritional advice and help them is full of joy. That's why I enjoy writing about the information about health and wellness that I get. By doing this I also seek some new experience of health and wellness.