Following a vegetarian diet can be beneficial for your health, but it is important to make sure you get all the essential nutrients to avoid deficiencies. A poorly planned vegetarian diet can lead to deficiencies in certain essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, iron, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. However, these deficiencies can be avoided by planning your diet and choosing your foods wisely. So, see below how to avoid vegetarian nutrient deficiencies.

How To Avoid Deficiencies When Adopting A Vegetarian Diet?

To avoid deficiencies when following a vegetarian diet, make sure you get all the nutrients essential for the proper functioning of the body. Here are some tips:


Include sources of plant-based protein such as legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans), tofu, tempeh, soy products and whole grains;
Iron: consume foods rich in iron such as green vegetables (spinach, kale), legumes, pumpkin seeds, dried fruits, and whole grains. For better absorption of iron, combine these foods with those rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits, peppers, or tomatoes;


Since dairy products may be excluded from some vegetarian diets, opt for calcium-rich alternatives such as fortified soy milk, green leafy vegetables, tofu prepared with calcium, nuts (almonds, walnuts), and sesame seeds;

Vitamin B12:

This vitamin is only found in animal products (meat, fish, dairy products and eggs). People following a vegan diet must consume food supplements or foods enriched with B12;


Opt for plant sources of omega-3 such as flax seeds, walnuts, flax oil, and algae to maintain a good balance of essential fatty acids;


Make sure to include iodized salt in your diet or consume seaweed, which is a good source of iodine.

If despite a balanced and varied diet you are facing nutritional deficiencies, do not hesitate to seek support from a health professional.

Tips For A Balanced And Nutrient-Rich Vegetarian Diet:

Here Are Some Tips For A Balanced And Nutrient-Rich Vegetarian Diet:

  • Make sure to eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and seeds to get a full range of nutrients.
  • Plant proteins such as legumes (like beans, lentils, and chickpeas), nuts, and seeds are important sources of protein for vegetarians. Legumes, in particular, are also rich in iron and amino acids.
  • Grains, nuts, and seeds are important sources of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B.
  • Foods rich in vitamin B12, such as dairy products eggs, or dietary supplements are important for vegetarians, as this vitamin is mainly found in animal foods.
  • To replace the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, eat nuts and seeds (such as flax, chia, and linseed) and vegetable oils (such as flaxseed or walnut oil).
  • Fruits and vegetables are also important sources of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, so make sure you eat a wide variety to get a full range of nutrients.

By James

Hi, I am James and I am a Nutrition Expert. I am currently working with and gaining more experience about nutritional value through this. I have experienced an evolution of nutritional value and shared it all through hoping it can serve people. Proper nutrition does not only gives a healthy life also helps you to live a long and happy life. It is my motto to give you proper nutrition tips and teach you nutritional values to live a happy life.