vitamin C Level

Causes of Vitamin C Deficiency

Causes of Vitamin C Deficiency The human body does not have the ability to make vitamin C itself. Therefore, your body depends on external dietary sources for vitamin C. Even those who do not eat healthily, there is no risk of scurvy.

  • Having a lot of diarrhea
  • After operation
  • When there is iron deficiency
  • Protein deficiency
  • When thyroid volume increases
  • Living in extremely cold or hot environments
  • People who smoke
  • Frequent vomiting

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By James

Hi, I am James and I am a Nutrition Expert. I am currently working with and gaining more experience about nutritional value through this. I have experienced an evolution of nutritional value and shared it all through hoping it can serve people. Proper nutrition does not only gives a healthy life also helps you to live a long and happy life. It is my motto to give you proper nutrition tips and teach you nutritional values to live a happy life.