14 Signs And Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency:

symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

  1. Pain And Suffering:

They are frequent pains in the hands, feet, body in proportion to the child’s physical development milestone which is not accurate.

  1. Stagnant Growth And Developmental Delays:

Even if there are no known health problems and even after eating well, your baby may not be identified according to height, weight, and other developmental milestones.

  1. Convulsions:

One of the causes of convulsions in children is vitamin D deficiency and requires immediate treatment.

  1. Restlessness, Laziness:

The child is no longer restless and attentive and most of the time is abnormally whining and annoyed for no reason.

  1. Tetany:

This is a stage of hypocalcemia which refers to low levels of calcium in the blood. There are many causes of calcium deficiency such as poor diet, poor absorption, vitamin D deficiency, abnormal parathyroid hormone secretion, kidney abnormalities, sudden episodes of shortness of breath, odor, muscle weakness, and muscle cramps.

  1. Muscle weakness:

Muscle weakness is due to delay in walking, difficulty in climbing stairs, etc.

  1. Cardiomyopathy:

Low vitamin D affects all the muscles in the body so the heart muscles also become weak.

By James

Hi, I am James and I am a Nutrition Expert. I am currently working with diet.ind.in and gaining more experience about nutritional value through this. I have experienced an evolution of nutritional value and shared it all through diet.ind.in hoping it can serve people. Proper nutrition does not only gives a healthy life also helps you to live a long and happy life. It is my motto to give you proper nutrition tips and teach you nutritional values to live a happy life.