Weight Gain Diet Chart For Female Indian

Proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass is the basis for an athlete’s healthy growth and achieving a beautiful and sculpted body. You cannot afford to take a careless approach to diet planning: without understanding the basic rules and consuming the right nutrients, training will not only not lead to the goal, but can also have the opposite effect. So, see below the weight gain diet chart for female Indian.

Proper nutrition for gaining weight is the key to high-quality recovery and rapid achievement of results. Conversely, mistakes when forming a diet do not allow the athlete to reach his goal. If you eat right, your muscles will grow faster and your body will always be in good shape. You will also be able to increase the load and organize a varied training process with a change of plans.

Proper nutrition also prevents the rapid destruction of protein and normalizes metabolic processes. Thanks to a correct diet, you will be able to find the strength for frequent training and increase the load, while at the same time, your strength indicators will increase. Don’t forget about the importance of water-salt balance – consume about 3 liters, adjusting the volume depending on air temperature, sweating, and other related factors.

Daily Calorie Intake:

The number of calories is simple. It’s more difficult with their quality, but more on that later. The easiest way to calculate the amount of calories consumed is using the Lyle MacDonald formula; you can also use calculators from the Internet (as a rule, they are based on the same formula).

What not to eat when gaining muscle mass:

If you want to optimize your nutrition to gain muscle mass rather than fat, then you should still limit yourself to certain foods. Otherwise, everything will not go according to plan. Due to a sharp increase in calorie intake, weight will indeed increase, but mainly due to an increase in the proportion of subcutaneous fat. It will be extremely difficult to reset it in the future. Therefore, focus on healthy products right away in order to achieve the fastest results and not harm your health.

Weight Gain Diet Chart For Female Indian:

If you plan to eat according to a universal plan, you will probably experience discomfort. Don’t try to copy them exactly – choose products with similar nutritional value that you really love.


1 banana;
2 egg omelette;
1 slice of black bread;
black coffee or tea.

First snack:

200 g low-fat cottage cheese;

Second snack:

40 g nuts.


100 g boiled rice;
low-fat milk;
150 g boiled turkey;
2 boiled eggs.

100 g broccoli;
200 g boiled chicken breast;
100 g rice.

What to exclude from your diet to prevent this:

sugar, baked goods, and confectionery products;
alcoholic drinks, especially beer;
sausages and store-bought sausages;
fast food;
starchy, sweet vegetables and fruits.

Focus on natural products. If you want sausages, cook them yourself, don’t buy them at the store. Or at least follow the labels on the packaging. Avoid unhealthy fats. Stop the habit of adding milk and sugar to coffee or tea. These little things will help normalize your diet and prevent a rapid increase in the proportion of subcutaneous fat while gaining muscle mass.

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By James

Hi, I am James and I am a Nutrition Expert. I am currently working with diet.ind.in and gaining more experience about nutritional value through this. I have experienced an evolution of nutritional value and shared it all through diet.ind.in hoping it can serve people. Proper nutrition does not only gives a healthy life also helps you to live a long and happy life. It is my motto to give you proper nutrition tips and teach you nutritional values to live a happy life.