Veg Diet Change For Weight Gain For Bodybuilding Female

You cannot build muscle mass without eating meat. There is still a lot of controversy around this statement. It has long been known that it is just a myth, and many professional athletes who adhere to vegetarianism prove this. It is worth noting that a vegetarian diet for athletes may be necessary in different cases. So, in this article let’s know about veg diet change for weight gain for bodybuilding female.

Veg Diet Change For Weight Gain For Bodybuilding Female:

But also health problems in which the body does not absorb animal products;
The desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, since it is plant foods that allow you to cleanse the body to the maximum;
Some religious principles;
Reluctance to support the processing of meat and animal products, which pollutes the environment.

Sometimes meat is abandoned for several reasons at once, but regardless of them, a vegetarian diet comes to replace the meat diet. It can take several forms:

Strict vegetarianism, completely excluding animal products.
Lacto vegetarianism, which allows the consumption of milk and fermented milk products.
Lacto-ovo vegetarianism, which involves eating dairy products and eggs.

Depending on the type of diet chosen, it is determined what the nutrition of vegetarian bodybuilders should be.

Are bodybuilding and vegetarianism compatible: the most important features

Proper nutrition for vegans and vegetarians makes it easy to get the required amount of protein. To do this, they use not only food but also sports nutrition, which is also used by athletes who eat meat, since regardless of the diet, muscle mass builds up faster with the help of supplements.

At the same time, many athletes who have been vegetarians for a long time note that after giving up meat they began to feel much better. This can be explained by the fact that animal foods increase the level of bad cholesterol and contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

What is important to consider when practicing bodybuilding and following vegetarianism:

You need to provide your body with enough fat. Without them, the skin becomes flabby, hair begins to fall out, and muscles simply do not grow. To obtain fats, vegetarians can use vegetable oils and coconut milk, and for lacto-vegetarianism, cow’s milk.

An excess of plant foods and a deficiency of dairy foods provoke a calcium deficiency since it reduces its absorption. To make up for the deficiency, you need to eat dark leafy green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, as well as foods such as bean curd, bread, and cereals.
Problems of vegetarian nutrition in relation to athletes

Since a vegetarian athlete’s diet excludes animal products, his body does not receive some nutrients. Among them:

  • Protein;
  • Vitamins B (B12) and D;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • Creatine

Another problem with vegetarianism is the large amounts of fiber entering the body with vegetables. It is useful because it improves digestion, but at the same time absorbs some of the essential amino acids in the intestines. Fiber in combination with complex carbohydrates ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time. This is good for those losing weight, but not for bodybuilders who need to eat regularly.

How to get the right amount of protein

Bodybuilders’ diets should contain at least 40% protein. To compensate for the lack of meat, you must include in your diet:

  • Legumes,
  • Mushrooms,
  • Soy,
  • Nuts.

This is what vegetarian athletes eat to replenish their protein stores. Moreover, these products have to be consumed in much larger quantities than would be necessary when eating meat. This is explained by the lower digestibility of plant products – 50-60%.

Thus, the required amount of protein for a vegetarian diet is 1.4-1.8 g per 1 kg of body weight. Even scientists have proven that carbohydrates are more needed for muscle growth since their role in this process is more important. On average, protein is required about 1.6 g per 1 kg of weight.

Those who adhere to lacto-ovo vegetarianism will have no difficulty in getting the required amount of protein since such athletes consume both eggs and dairy products.

The question of where to get protein for a vegetarian athlete who has given up eggs is more complex. Here nutritionists recommend combining different products:

  • Cereals and legumes;
  • Nuts and seeds with cereals and legumes;
  • Milk with cereals.

The amount of protein in this case should correspond to the upper limit of the norm – 1.8 g per 1 kg of body weight since plant proteins are less absorbed.

Additionally, protein for vegetarian athletes can be obtained from plant protein:

  • Soybean,
  • Pea,
  • Rice

Vitamin B12:

A vegetarian athlete’s diet does not provide enough vitamin B12. This problem is most acute among strict vegans who do not consume all animal products.

To compensate for the deficiency of this vitamin, the menu of vegetarian athletes must include foods enriched with it:

  • Yogurt – 200 g contains 1.1 mg of vitamin B12.
  • Low-fat milk – 1.2 mcg per cup.
  • Swiss cheese – 30 g contains 9 mcg.
  • Eggs – 6 mcg in one hard-boiled egg.
  • Cereals – the content of the element can be found on the product packaging.
  • Nutritional yeast – suitable for both vegetarians and vegans. In 1 tbsp. l. contains 4 mcg of vitamin B12.
  • Shiitake Mushrooms – 50g of dried mushrooms contains the daily value of vitamin B12, which is 2.4 mcg per day.

With more intense loads, the consumption of this substance per day can reach 5 mcg, so the consumption of these products must be increased or special additives must be used: brewer’s yeast, breakfast cereals, dietary supplements, and sports nutrition.

Regardless of the form of vegetarianism, nutritionists have identified products that, if followed by such a “diet,” bring maximum benefit:

  • Tomatoes provide vitamin B6, necessary for full recovery after a workout.
  • Blueberries are low-calorie berries rich in lutein, antioxidants, and vitamins. Great for making smoothies.
  • Bananas – saturate the body with the necessary minerals and valuable elements that are needed for muscle growth. Especially useful after training.
  • Whole-grain pasta is a source of glycogen, which provides muscles with the necessary energy. Suitable for consumption 2-2.5 hours before training, as they slow the flow of sugar into the blood.
  • Coconut water restores the water-salt balance in the body.
  • Dried fruits are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and glucose.
  • Green tea is a good stimulant that increases physical endurance and reduces muscle damage during exercise.


Like other athletes, vegetarians need to eat small and healthy meals, excluding fried, smoked, and salty foods. It is equally important to drink enough water daily, and when losing weight, additionally calculate the total calorie content of the finished dish.

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By James

Hi, I am James and I am a Nutrition Expert. I am currently working with and gaining more experience about nutritional value through this. I have experienced an evolution of nutritional value and shared it all through hoping it can serve people. Proper nutrition does not only gives a healthy life also helps you to live a long and happy life. It is my motto to give you proper nutrition tips and teach you nutritional values to live a happy life.