Weight Gain Diet Chart For Male

Proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass is no less important than intense strength training. If, despite working hard in the gym, your muscles are not growing, this means that you are making one of the common mistakes. So, see below weight gain diet chart for male Indian.

Calorie content of food:

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass for men depends primarily on body weight and energy expenditure. To gain the minimum required amount of calories daily, calculate your individual BJU ratio using the formula 1 kg of weight = 2/0.7/4 in grams, respectively.

When drawing up a proper nutrition plan, focus on the following calorie content: 1 g protein/carbohydrate = 4 Kcal, 1 g fat = 9 Kcal. Carbohydrates will serve as your main source of energy during training; proteins will go towards muscle growth and strengthening. The richest foods in protein are meat and dairy. Soybeans, legumes and nuts contain many important amino acids.

Main meals will look like this:

● Breakfast is vital to fuel your energy for the day ahead. It should consist mainly of carbohydrates (cereals) and proteins (eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt).

● The main components of the lunch diet are complex carbohydrates (for example, whole wheat pasta) and proteins (meat, fish). If desired, add a vegetable dish seasoned with oil (cold first-pressed and extra virgin oils have the most beneficial properties).

● Make a proper dinner from proteins and vegetables; it is better to postpone carbohydrates until the next morning. Eat your last meal no later than 1-2 hours before bed. It should be an easily digestible protein that will not become a stone in the stomach – kefir or cottage cheese.

You can have a snack between main meals with fresh or dried fruits and dairy products. The best sources of healthy fats in your workout menu are nuts or avocados. Sports nutrition is also great for snacking while gaining muscle mass.

Additional foods for muscle growth

If you can’t get enough protein for your weight using regular nutrition, ready-made sports nutrition would be an excellent choice: dry protein for cocktails and protein bars. Sports nutrition contains protein in an easily digestible form and quickly provides the body with important building material for muscle fibers.

Proteins are perfect for:

▪ a snack or replacement of one of the meals during the day;

▪ a source of valuable amino acids 2-3 hours before training;

▪ supplements to prevent muscle loss after exercise.

To make your diet for gaining muscle mass more high in calories, you can try gainers – dry protein-carbohydrate mixtures in the proportion of 20-40% proteins and 60-80% fast carbohydrates. The most effective way to use this supplement is as follows:

▪ as a snack in the morning, before lunch;

▪ before training to quickly replenish energy reserves (if you generally lead an active lifestyle);

▪ after an intense workout to “close” the protein-carbohydrate window.

You need to choose between gainer and protein based on your objective needs. If your diet does not have enough protein, then it is better to take a protein or gainer with a higher content. If the only question is how to get more calories, feel free to buy any gainer.

In general, sports supplements are an excellent and sometimes even tasty source of quick energy, but they cannot completely replace regular food. To gain weight, nutrition must be nutritious and varied.

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By James

Hi, I am James and I am a Nutrition Expert. I am currently working with diet.ind.in and gaining more experience about nutritional value through this. I have experienced an evolution of nutritional value and shared it all through diet.ind.in hoping it can serve people. Proper nutrition does not only gives a healthy life also helps you to live a long and happy life. It is my motto to give you proper nutrition tips and teach you nutritional values to live a happy life.